is one of the oldest poker forums still active today. At last count we had over 13,000 members, and over 100 active users.
The forum also has a very active coaching section that is heavily involved with Jonathan Little and his coaching site This brings in a lot of skilled poker players as well as players looking to gain the skills to move to the next level. has worked with affiliate deals in the past, and still advertise with a very few affiliate links. But most of the deals are now advertising deals, and now we only deal with pre paid advertising deals.
You can visit PokerForums by going to
PokerNewsBoy was build from scratch by Half Cubed, and had plenty of success in the past, breaking many news stories. Most of the news on PNB has also been written by the highly talented and now well known poker author Steve Ruddock.
PokerNewsBoy was also one of our very first poker websites, and one of most successful we have owned. At its peak PNB would reach more than 30k visiters a month.
Now PNB is mostly used to advertise other websites, and accepts guests posts for a fee. You can get all our advertising prices by contacting
You can visit PokerNewsBoy by going to
We built as the domain became available and I was looking to test a website outside of poker as well as buy a fairly premium short domain.
Although the site a very basic it has had some very solid rankings since it was built. This has resulted in decent traffic along with some profit from gaming sites that offer online hearts among other card type games such as solitaire and even arcade games like bejewelled blitz. works with solely affiliate deals. This is largely due to the traffic not being valuable enough to charge for advertising.
You can visit OnlineHearts by going to
BTCPoker is the first website we built under the our newly formed company Half Cubed Limited. Making this site pretty special to the team.
The site was built so new team members could get used to the gambling industry swell as tapping into the growing market of bitcoin. we expect bitcoin to grow from strength to strength so wanted to get into the market as early as possible. works as an affiliate with Online Poker Sites that offers bitcoin as deposit and withdrawal options.
You can visit BTCPoker by going to
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